Net365 Complaints Policy

Complaints Procedure

Our mission is to provide the best ISP service in the UK. We take pride in the reliability of our service provision and the maintenance of high quality customer support in every department.

However, occasionally our service may fall short of the high standards we set ourselves and if this happens we want to know so that we can continue to improve. We aim to resolve your complaint at each step of the process but, where this is not possible, you are able to escalate to the next level. You can raise a complaint by phone, e-mail or letter.

Step 1
In the first instance, we ask that you contact a member of staff in the department most relevant to your complaint:

Our Contact Us pages list the contact numbers for our customer facing departments. If you are unsure which department to contact, please call 01274 900100 in the first instance.

Step 2
In most cases, no further action will be necessary. However, if we are unable to resolve your issue to your satisfaction, you can escalate your complaint to the department's manager.

    If your complaint is made by phone, you will receive a call back within 2 working days
    If your complaint is made by email, we aim to respond to you within 4 working days

We will investigate your complaint further and will provide updates at a frequency agreed with you until your issue is resolved.

Step 3
If you are not satisfied with the resolution or explanation provided you can escalate your complaint to the director level who will respond within 5 working days. Further investigations will be carried out and we will continue to provide updates at a frequency agreed with you.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process

If at any time during this process you are not satisfied with the progress of your complaint you can ask us to agree an early referral to our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process and we will issue you a “deadlock” letter. This will allow you to apply to CISAS (Communications and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme). CISAS is an independent arbitrator who will assess cases for consumers and small businesses and make a judgement so that the issue can be resolved. (We may decline to provide a deadlock letter if we do believe we will shortly resolve your complaint and are taking active steps to do so)

If your complaint is not settled within 8 weeks, you can take your complaint to Ombudsman Services without the need for a deadlock letter.

You will need to contact Ombudsman Services directly as we are unable to start this process for you:

Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730

Phone 0330 440 1614
Fax 0330 440 1615
Textphone 0330 440 1600

If you have any queries about our complaints process, please contact our Support Team on 01274 900100 or e-mail

Copyright 2017 Net365 Ltd

November 2017

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